Only Dirken: all Dirken (and Dirkjes and Dirk-Jans) gather on the fortieth Dirkendag

It seems that there are more and more: people with the name Dirk. Or Dirkje, Dirk-Jan and so on. Yesterday, for the fortieth time, the one and only Dirkendag took place in café Tante Pietje in Den Oever. The celebration once originated from a joke, but now it is celebrated cheerfully every year.

The first Dirkendag took place in 1984. The idea arose when five Dirks happened to be sitting next to each other in a café.

The five namesakes quickly agreed that this should become a tradition and the following year they collected as many Dirks as possible and continued each year.


To prevent fraud, all Dirk varieties are checked. In addition to all Dirks, Dirkjes and Dirk-Jannen are also welcome. But if your name is Jan-Dirk, you’re out of luck and you’re not welcome at the annual party in Den Oever.
