Only a few order less online for environmental reasons

According to a survey, environmental protection through fewer packages only plays a role for some online buyers. For example, every tenth person tries to reduce online purchases for ecological reasons or to do without them altogether, according to a survey by Postbank, which is available to the German Press Agency. A good one in four also orders goods that it is clear from the outset that they will be sent back – for example to be able to try on different clothing sizes at home. According to their own statements, four out of ten respondents try to bundle products when ordering in order to receive them in one delivery.

84 percent of those surveyed reject the idea that returns are destroyed and support a corresponding ban. In addition, three quarters stated that when ordering, they paid attention to using as little or sustainable packaging material as possible. “Customers are now paying attention to the topic of sustainability in many areas,” said Postbank Digital Sales Manager Thomas Brosch. This applies above all to packaging waste and ecological shipping. (dpa)
