Only a few hundred demonstrate in Berlin against corona measures

Again on Saturday, some people in Berlin demonstrated against the Corona measures. In Brandenburg/Havel a meeting had to be dissolved.

As the police announced, a few hundred took part in a registered meeting in Berlin in the afternoon. According to the first police information, the demonstration, which ran from the Neptune Fountain in Berlin-Mitte in the direction of Gesundbrunnen, was largely quiet.

Two other protest actions were registered in the capital, which were directed against the Corona rules and compulsory vaccination. Around 30 cars drove in a parade on Rosenthaler Platz in Berlin-Mitte to protest against the Corona measures, as can be seen on a video.

Two demonstrations for solidarity in the pandemic were also registered. One of them had the motto: “Corona deniers: get out of the neighborhoods!”. A police spokesman said these were also largely quiet.

Demo participant on Saturday in Berlin (Photo: Carsten Koall/dpa)
Demo participant on Saturday in Berlin (Photo: Carsten Koall/dpa)

“Walks” in Brandenburg too – the police break up meetings

“Pedestrians” demonstrated in Brandenburg/Havel without registering. This was known to the police in advance. According to the police, a large number of people who were classified as a gathering were found in the inner city area on Saturday afternoon.

Despite the officials’ request to register the meeting, those present did not do so. Masks were not worn, distances could not have been maintained either. The meeting was dissolved and evictions issued.

also read

► Police break up unregistered demo against Corona policy

► 1500 opponents of vaccination, 1600 police officers! Fewer protesters than expected

Due to a lack of registration, a criminal complaint was also filed for violating the Assembly Act.

“I would like to appeal once again to register planned meetings with the meeting authority in advance,” said police chief Mathias dancers. “If necessary, we even block roads and clear the way for those attending the meeting.”

With dpa


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