Only 8 percent of Belgians do not use online banking | Interior

Less than 10 percent of Belgians do not use online banking. This is evident from an online survey commissioned by Febelfin, the federation of the financial sector in our country. The number of Belgians carrying out their transactions via the internet continues to increase year after year. Nevertheless, physical contact with the bank remains important, especially for important decisions.

The online survey by iVox was conducted in December last year among 1,000 Belgians. Compared to a year ago, a quarter of Belgians indicated that they bank online more often. This is still most often done via the PC (89 percent), but the app on the smartphone is catching up seriously (82 percent). Making payments, checking the balance, checking transactions and making transfers between own accounts are most often done online.

A minority of those surveyed, barely 8 percent, say they never bank online. This has to do with fear of falling victim to abuse and the preference to arrange their banking affairs in the branch. One fifth of this group finds online banking too complicated.


Furthermore, 60 percent never or very rarely go to the bank branch. Those who do still go to an office do so to monitor investments, to ask for advice on their personal financial situation and to apply for and manage loans. Advice on and follow-up of investments appears to be gaining in importance.

The research confirms the declining use of cash. For example, 39 percent of Belgians withdraw cash less than once a month or even never. Since merchants are obliged to offer an online payment method, 60 percent say they hardly ever withdraw cash.
