Only 3.6 million visitors to the zoo and animal park because of Corona

The zoo and animal park in Berlin also had to make do with significantly fewer visitors in the second Corona year, 2021.

A total of around 3.6 million people were counted in the zoo and aquarium in the west of the city and in the animal park in the east. This emerges from a response from the Senate to a request from the AfD.

Compared to 2020 with almost 3.5 million visitors, this was only a slight increase. Before Corona, more than 5.4 million people came in 2019. Many would have rejected the obligation to test and wear masks, and the tourists had also stayed away, the zoo said.

This was the most popular with almost 1.7 million visitors. This is followed by the zoo with almost 1.3 million and the aquarium with around 660,000 visitors. Together, all facilities in 2020 had a turnover of almost 27 million euros. In 2019 it was almost 40 million euros. The figures for 2021 were not yet available.

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► We are the first tenants in the new predator house in Berlin Zoo!

► This is served in zoos and animal parks – and that’s how much it costs

Zoo Berlin AG received 1.7 million euros in corona aid in 2020 and another 4.7 million euros in 2021. There was also a one-off payment of 16.5 million euros from the state of Berlin. The previously agreed annual support of almost 400,000 euros will no longer apply.
