Online yoga with Sayonara Motta: the free masterclass

dtwo abundant hours of online Yoga declined for women, dedicated to women aged 35 to 100, which Sayonara Motta has decided to offer it free to those who want to dedicate time to learning and caring for themselves. Here’s how to participate and why.

The free online Masterclass

“Yoga is an incredible way for us women to stay healthy and active after our 35s, 40s or 50s. Yoga can help us maintain our physical and mental health by improving flexibility, balance, strength and overall vitality,” she explains. personal trainer and Yoga therapist Sayonara Motta, who for over 20 years has been among the most famous and expert instructors at an international level.

How to participate for free

To participate in the Masterclass of Sayonara Motta that yes will take place on Thursday 28 April 2023 at 7 pmjust sign up for link «Follow her live because in the end you will have access to an exclusive BONUS to immediately put into practice what you will learn in today’s Masterclass», explains Sayonara Motta.

Yoga for Menopause

More and more women are accessing yoga for the first time when they start to have the first symptoms of menopause. Hot flashes, weight gain, anxiety or depression, irritability and insomnia find enormous benefits from this millennial discipline which, if performed regularly, helps to “repair” the hormonal imbalance. “Practice can also help relieve symptoms associated with menopause, such as hot flashes, mood swings and insomnia. Help us women build a immune system harder, lower the pressure sanguine and reduce the risk of heart diseasestroke and diabetes.

The psychological benefits

“Besides the physical benefits, yoga can also help us cope with the stresses of everyday life. As we get older, we may find ourselves facing a variety of new challenges, such as caring for aging parents or children leaving the ‘nursery’. It can help manage stress and anxiety and improve our overall sense of well-being,” adds coach Sayonara Motta.

Who is Sayonara Motta

«I am a Yoga Therapist and Yoga Educator with a master’s degree in Massachusetts, USA. I have an international certification recognized by the International Association of Yoga Therapists. As such, I am qualified to practice this Profession». His training comes from afar and has grown over time.

Face yoga, chapter 3

“I studied at the school of Yoga Therapy in Kripalu USA, with teachers, Mary Northey, Joseph Le Page, Lisa Nelson, Kaelash Neels, Marlysa Sullivan, Cathy Prescott, and Beth Gibbs. To follow my students online and in presence and give them tangible support for their individual improvement, in 2020 I created my online Holistic Space, Holistic Space, SaYoGa Holistic & Wellbeing Space, which combines a vast modality of disciplines: Yoga with the different styles. Ranging from Vinyasa yoga to Hata Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Pre and Post Childbirth, Meditation, Kundalini, Vinyasa Krama. And then it yoga therapy with a particular approach for anxiety and stress, burn-out, depression, menopause, metabolic disorders, digestive rebalancing. In addition, Ayurveda, functional and holistic nutrition, Body and Mind, Walking connection, Bioenergetic therapies, Applied Phytoenergetics, Somatic Technique, Hipopressive gymnastics and Mindfulness. Over the years I have been (and continue to be) a consultant for numerous Italian sports centres, testimonial for many companies, personal trainers and coaches of celebrities and fitness lovers», explains the expert.

What is Yoga Therapy?

A self-care that uses traditional yogic models to look at the whole person. Yoga Therapy addresses the underlying causes of our pain and suffering, which are often subtle and profound. Mindfulness, relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga practice, Ayurveda and other alternative treatments may be part of the treatment plan.

In a typical one-on-one (or small group) yoga therapy session, you can expect a thorough management that investigates your medical history, along with your physical, mental, energetic, and spiritual needs. An analysis of your breath, posture, gait and various yoga poses. Asanas (Physical Poses) chosen and adapted to your needs. Practice breathing, meditation and relaxation.

