Online seminar with Michael Proffe: How to invest in the mega trends of the future

When it comes to future megatrends, many investors think of topics such as autonomous driving or parcel delivery by drone. But there are far more exciting trends that can also be of interest to investors. in the Online seminar on September 22nd trend following expert Michael Proffe talks about changes that affect all areas of private, public and professional life.

» Register now and find out more about the current return opportunities with megatrends!

Take the opportunity and get first-hand information about the trending topics and innovations that dominate the markets of the future be able. in the Online seminar on September 22 from 6 p.m Michael Proffe presents his trend-following strategy, which he uses to identify companies that are successful in the long term.

» Click here and take part in the free online seminar with trend follower Michael Proffe!

Megatrends have a strong influence on us and change our lives in the long term. They have a high level of economic dynamism and are therefore indispensable for far-sighted investors. In the past, stocks in future-oriented industries have performed much better over the long term than those in conventional companies. Find out in online seminaras you particularly easy in the trends of tomorrow can invest.

» Register now and discover new investment opportunities!

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Your expert in the online seminar

Your expert in the webinar

Michael Proffe is a graduate industrial engineer and has been an expert in trend following for over 30 years. Using the trend-following method he developed, he selects high-growth stocks and accompanies their trend phases with leveraged products such as warrants.

Image sources: Andrii Yalanskyi /
