Online seminar: Double the return through energy transition opportunities – How to earn money with the change in the industry!

As a private investor, you can benefit from the expansion of renewable energy. Especially if you invest your money cleverly and thus close the financing gap that arises for the expansion of renewable energies. But how can you avoid fraudulent investment products and direct your money in a self-determined manner? You will get the answer when you Online seminar on May 16th are there live!

» Register without obligation and find out on May 16 from 6 p.m. how you as an investor can benefit from the energy transition!

Energy management specialist Felix Auspurg will introduce you to exciting assets with which you can diversify your portfolio on the one hand and benefit from the energy transition on the other. Because no matter what your political stance on the subject is: the transformation in the energy sector will come and as an investor you should be prepared for it!

One way to participate in the energy transition, which will be presented to you in the online seminar, is crowd investing: Here you invest together with other private investors in exclusive large-scale projects that are normally only reserved for institutional investors, and thus realize potential profits from this future market! during the Online seminars on May 16th you will be shown how to finance specific construction projects that are proven to advance the energy transition. In addition to the positive impact of your investment on the future of mankind, you will receive attractive returns.

» Secure your place now and get to know exciting assets on the topic of energy transition on Tuesday evening

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Your expert in the online seminar

Felix Auspurg

Felix Auspurg As Head of Operations, he is responsible for the areas of project management and business development at WIWIN and thus has a direct influence on the design of our financial products. Felix Auspurg was already dealing with the topics of sustainability and climate change during his studies (business administration and energy management) in Bayreuth, California and Darmstadt. He was able to gain experience in Germany and abroad, particularly in the area of ​​financing renewable energies.

WIWIN is the leading German online platform for sustainable investments and provides capital to project owners in the areas of sustainable real estate and renewable energies as well as to founders with a sustainable business model. WIWIN is also an advisor to an impact equity fund.

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