Online seminar: Collapsing financial markets – this is how investors protect their money now!

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How does gold appreciate in a collapsing environment financial markets? How long will the euro endure the uncontrolled debt in the participating countries? Will rising debts force states into bankruptcy? What does a 3 percent interest rate mean for the US budget? What does the central bank’s policy of easy money mean for the well-being of the general public? Is there only another global economic crisis as an alternative to inflation? Can an investment in precious metals or mining stocks protect us in this environment? in the seminar on June 8 from 6 p.m Martin Siegel, author of several specialist books and manager of the operational business of the Stabilitas precious metal fund, gives answers to these and other fascinating questions.

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Fuel markets, i.e. periods of falling prices, are part of the stock market. It has always existed and always will. But as an investor, you can also benefit from fluctuating prices.

So how should investors react now? “Panic is definitely not a good guide,” says investment professional Martin Siegel. in the webinar on June 8th from 6 p.m Martin Siegel uses concrete examples to show how he is now positioning himself and how you can successfully use turbulent stock market phases for your investments. Register now for this free trading seminar and find out first-hand where the opportunities lie for you as an investor and with which strategy you can continue to invest lucratively in commodities, precious metals, mine values ​​and other assets.

Register here for the free online seminar and learn more about promising precious metals!

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your expert

Your expert in the online seminar

Martin Seal has been managing the operational business and advising of the Stabilitas precious metal funds since 2011. Since it was launched in 2007, he has been responsible for portfolio advice for the Stabilitas – Pacific Gold + Metals, which has the longest history of any Stabilitas fund. Martin Siegel is the author of a total of 8 books dealing with the analysis of the gold market and investment opportunities in gold mining stocks.

Image sources: Holmes Su /
