Impact-oriented investing, also known as impact investing, is investing in companies, organizations and funds with the specific intention of achieving a measurable, positive impact on the environment or society in addition to a good return. But can money really make the world a better place?
The total amount of sustainable investments rose by 25 percent to 335.3 billion euros in 2020 – a record value. The current market report by the Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlage (FNG) shows that more and more investors are having a positive impact on the environment and society – without sacrificing returns. in the Online seminar on March 29 at 6 p.m find out how you too can benefit from this trend.
» Register now and learn more about sustainable investments on March 29th!
But the current political situation also contributes to the fact that green stocks are on the rise. Europe’s dependence on Russian gas has made investors increasingly nervous in recent weeks. In this market environment, it is green stocks in particular that investors are pinning their hopes on. This is particularly evident in the price development: while other stocks are listed significantly lower, the opposite trend is evident in the case of sustainable investments.
» Register here for the online seminar and invest in sustainability with a high return!
But the differences between the sustainable products are big. And only the right products are promising and sustainable at the same time. The two investment professionals Michael Hermanns, sustainability expert at Generali Germany, and Michael Birnbach, portfolio manager at Generali Investment, explain in the Online seminar on March 29 from 6 p.mwhat are the differences between one product and another, how you as an investor can recognize sustainable securities and how you can invest with them in a promising way – and at the same time make the world a little better.
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Your experts in the seminar
Michael Hermanns is a graduate engineer and responsible for sustainability and environmental management at Generali Germany. After studying at the RWTH Aachen, he worked in various positions in the industrial environment before moving to Generali Germany in 2009.
Michael Birnbach has been with Generali Investments since 2008 and has held various positions during this time. He started at the trading desk and was responsible for equity trading before moving to portfolio management equity. He has been a portfolio manager in the fund of funds area since 2019 and is responsible for global and European portfolios.
Image credits: Christian Zachariasen/Getty Images