Online Learning Overview makes finding training easier | News item

News item | 10-10-2022 | 07:00

Whether you are a plasterer or an IT specialist; whether you just got your first job or have been working for years; it is important to keep updating your knowledge and experience. Continuous learning offers you new perspectives to achieve your goals, keep up and earn a good living. The labor market is changing rapidly. Some jobs disappear and new jobs appear; such as the cashier that is increasingly being replaced by self-scan cash registers and the increase in solar panel installers. That is why the central government, together with social partners and educational institutions, will launch the online platform Leeroverzicht on 10 October. This is the first independent overview in one place with the most complete range of all available courses, courses and training and all associated financial schemes and subsidies.

Minister Dennis Wiersma of Primary and Secondary Education: “The world around us is constantly changing and that requires new knowledge and skills from all of us. All job seekers and workers can find information about education and training, how you can pay for this and from whom you can get advice. Developing yourself gives you more freedom to make better choices and shape your career. The labor market is tight; there is a shortage of personnel in many sectors. We need many well-trained people for all the major changes we have to tackle, such as the climate and energy transition and for building hundreds of thousands of homes. Everyone is desperately needed!”

Training for workers and job seekers

The new online platform Learning Overview offers an overview of more than 70,000 training courses for workers and job seekers. This concerns training, courses and practical learning, as well as training that allows you to obtain a legally recognized diploma or certificate. The website contains a clear overview of 300 financial schemes (national and regional) to partially or completely pay the costs for learning and development. Referrals are also made to bodies where employees, job seekers and employers can apply for such a scheme. For career advice, the website refers to a Leerwerkloket in the area and other organizations that provide career advice.

Most complete and independent

The Learning Overview already offers the most complete overview of study programs (public and private) and financing options. The range of training courses will continue to be expanded. The platform is independent and does not represent any commercial interests.

The Learning Overview is one of the initiatives from the multi-year Lifelong Development action program (2019-2022). The aim of this program is to promote the learning culture in the Netherlands. In recent months, the website has been put into use by various Learning Work Desks throughout the country.

More opportunities on the labor market

Learning overview was developed on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science in consultation with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the social partners and the educational umbrella organizations. Money has been made available for this from the National Growth Fund. The range of training and schemes that stimulate development is continuously expanded and regularly updated. You will soon be able to see, for example, which skills you need for your (desired) field of work and which courses you can use to develop those skills. This gives you insight into what is needed, how you can develop yourself and you can make even better-founded choices for your career. And you get more opportunities on the labor market. The ambition is to eventually personalize the platform.
