Webinars > Marketing > Online conference: The keys to personalizing the customer experience
This event is an opportunity to understand how to create tailor-made experiences that convert visitors into customers.
By PayPlug & Sendinblue
On 06/09/2022 at 11:00 a.m.
On Thursday June 9, 2022, PayPlug, an omnichannel payment solution and Sendinblue, a French digital marketing and customer relationship platform, are organizing a series of web conferences aimed at SMEs. The second will address the personalization of the customer experience. You will discover how this can mark the minds of your visitors and convert them into customers.
Four specialists will be present during this online conference, which will be held from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.:
- Cindy Deguinguand, Head of Regional Marketing at Nosto, a commerce experience platform;
- Nicolet Verdiet, CEO of Axome, e-commerce, design and marketing agency;
- Virginie Guignier, Webmarketing Manager at Axome;
- Emmanuel Marot, e-commerce manager of VetSecurité, the specialist in tactical equipment.
Experts will show you how to deliver a tailored experience throughout the consumer’s buying journey, while leveraging their data.