‘Onhoudbare situation’ in core central Zaporizja, waarschwt Internationaal Atoomagentschap

That week brought a delegation from the IAEA to a central office. In a first report to the VN Veiligheidsraad uiten de onderzoekers dinsdag, there are great concerns about the ‘onhoudbare situation’ in the plaatse. The battlements around the central core would therefore have to be stopped as quickly as possible because the facilities could be repaired and there would be damage.

The kerncentrale is in Russian hands, maar Oekraïense werknemers zitten he still steeds aan de knoppen. Het agentschap warschwt that he geen verige worksfeer is and that engineers ‘or continue high stress and druk staan’. Because the door needs to be open to menselijk falen toe, it also has to be on a core ramp.

Russia used centrale as a military base

Zowel Oekraïne as Russia must agree with the demilitarization of the area around the central core. Op dit moment is the Russian leger alom aanwezig op het terrein van de kerncentrale, reports the IAEA. In the ruins of the turbines there are soldiers, militaires and military personnel in the area. Also, the military wagons are parked on the viaduct that connects the nuclear reactors with Elkaar.

Op eerdere oproepen van de VN tot demilitarisering Moscow never went into. Cort na the start of the invasion bezetten Russian troepen de kerncentrale, the biggest van Europe. Sindsdien he found in de directe omgeving steeds vaker beschietingen plaats, waarvan Oekraïne en Russia elkaar de guilt geven. Also, the central central part of the building is connected to the energy network.

Experts say that the reactors in Zaporizja are designed on natural ramps and flying crashes that can damage them, so they can damage the on-going vessels of the crucial cooling systems.

Beschietingen van centrale gaan Gewoon door

The inspectors of the IAEA also considered the pity on the facilities built and because of the terrain. In the report of the state on the sea that panden zijn geraakt waar new splicing fabric ligt opgeslagen en waar kernafval wordt bewaard. Tijdens het bezoek maakte de delegation zelf mee hoe de kerncentrale onder vuur will be taken. In the report, no part is responsible for this. Also on Tuesday we went to beschietingen rondom de kerncentrale Gewoon door. The IAEA will meet ‘with all drunk parties’ on the table in front of the beschermingszone in te places.

Russia is going away for a long time because of the status of the International Atomic Energy Agency, but it was agreed that the President Macron would contact him. The warning was sent on September 1st from the start with a delegation of experts, it was only two permanents from the center remaining.

Oekraïne heeft aanwezigheid van de atoomwaakhond met open Armen ontvangen. Tot op de dag van vandaag wordt het land achtervolgd by the enormous nuclear ramp die in 1986 at Tsjernobyl plaatsvond. De Oekraïense vice-premier, Iryna Veresjtsjoek, wrote on Tuesday on evacuation routes in the places for many people who want to go away in the omgeving van Zaporizja.
