Ongelooflijk: kat travels 1,000 kilometers from baasje terug te vinden | Bizarre

The result is that a Disney film will come. The 3-year-old fringe of Louise-Charlotte traveled 1,000 kilometers from her hair to the wind, which was born in Germany. A daughter who had the best of her life cost zes maanden.

Afgelopen June verhuisde the base of the cat, the 74-year-old journalist Hildegard Holtschneider, from the south of France, terug to the hair born in Düsseldorf. Ze was van plan om hair young katje Louise-Charlotte mee te nemen, maar die was tijdens de verhuizing nergens te confess. Met pijn in the hard most de vrouw zonder hair geliefde huisdier vertrekken. She was once settled in Germany, and Hildegard was born here. “I wanted to have my hair in all the organizations that organized the work in the local area, so no one had my hair,” said the German newspaper Rheinische Post.

Zes maanden later kreeg Hildegard a opmerkelijk telefoontje van a dierenartsenpraktijk in the German Braunschweig, within 300 kilometers of Düsseldorf. A student had the young cat meowing for the hair of the child. There are a couple of days in the house that are in front of them and they bring a few things that are chipped in the cat. The student bood aan om Louise-Charlotte Rechtstreeks naar haar baasje in Düsseldorf te brengen: “He was ongelooflijk, we ontmoetten elkaar on the platform of the station, I huilde en my little Maltezer herkende my kat meteen, ze gaven elkaar allebei kusjes”.

Hildegard still has steeds in front of her: hoe kon deze kat, the new nooit in Germany is gone, zo’n kant op gaan? How can these things be overcome? “I know Louise-Charlotte wants to hear the answer, so I can give her a natural answer!”, she grumbles.

LEES OOK. Amber had the perfect hair work

KIJK OOK. Kat toont trots ‘dode rat’, maar zo dood is die niet
