‘Ongekende golf’ van ademhalingsziekten by baby’s and children: ziekenhuizen trekken aan alarmbel

In the UMC Sint-Pieter, in the center of Brussel, the main days of the bed will be used for the children. Also in the UZ Sint-Lukas and in the UZ Brussel there are beds available. The Vlaamse Ziekenhuizen that disappeared dry the previous days when the alarm bell door het large amount of children with airway infections, such as the RSV virus.

When the winter does come into play, it is traditionally a long time coming from the airways, but because of this, the Zikenhuizen is the trend that is “ongezien”. “Het aantal patiënten met bronchiolitis is dit jaar hoger than other years”, says Stephane Moniotte, head of the pediatric education of the UZ Sint-Lukas and lid of the Belgische Academie voor Kindergeneeskunde.

“Deze patiënten zijn zuurstofafhankelijk, what betekent dat de spoedeisende hulp snel overspoeld wordt. We’re really looking forward to it. Young patients on the other two years with respiratory problems come with the number of days in the guard room and we have to wait until the children are born.”

The crisis situation means thinking about the covid-19 pandemic, when it comes to another shell that isn’t really affected by the people of the world. “Maar het problem is hetzelfde als toen: het tekort aan verpleegständigen is not resolved, he zijn nog steeds te weinig ziekenhuisplaatsen en het aantal patiënten is hoog”, aldus Moniotte. “We zijn gedwongen patiënten over te plaatsen en de most urgent needs te treat.”

Bronchiolitis is an acute viral infection from the main airways caused by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which occurs when children are young. The RSV virus is now known and spreads via the air from Hoesten, never from the new snow.
