One thing surprises the Finnish NHL stars in the American Christmas tradition

Miro Heiskanen and Roope Hintz get to break away from the intense pace of the game for a while at Christmas time.

With NHL stars Miro Heiskasen and Roope with Hintz have the same wish for the weather for Christmas as those celebrating the holidays in Finland.

The only difference is that the Finns of the Dallas Stars cannot enjoy the snow, because the sun shines all year round in the state of Texas. December is relatively cool, but the temperature still stays above ten.

In Dallas, you may rarely experience snow, but there is no covering the ground.

– At Christmas, it would be nice if there was a little snow on the ground. It would be a little whiter. Otherwise, it doesn’t hurt, but at Christmas it would bring a feeling, Heiskanen longs.

– It’s the same for me. And the fact that you could throw a sauna in it and take a dip in the lake from it. That’s what we don’t have here compared to Finland, says teammate Hintz.

However, the conditions in Dallas are already routine, as both are playing for the Stars in their sixth season.

Turkey for the test

Christmas in Texas is still tried to be spent in traditional ways to the extent that it is possible.

Ham can be found on both Heiskanen’s and Hintzinki’s party tables.

– Here it is swedish ham mark. Nothing to complain about, but it has a slightly different texture, Hintz analyzed the taste.

A cozy atmosphere is created by the mustard bought from the Suomi store.

Hintz has also started testing local Christmas sweets.

– This year I ordered smoked turkey. I don’t know what it’s like. Could be a good twist to that side.

Heiskanen, who gets to visit his family as a saint, has also gotten to know the poultry favored by the Americans, but the quota was already full in November.

– There was so much pulled turkey on Thanksgiving that maybe Christmas will have to be pulled without, the light-footed power pack smiles.

The light show dazzles

In the United States, Christmas is also built outside the home. The Dallas duo has been amazed by the enthusiasm of the locals to tune their yards to match the theme.

– You can find those lights in every corner. It is perhaps a little different from what Heiskanen, who is playing in the NHL for his sixth year in Finland, says.

– That’s the thing here. If not in every house, then in almost every other house. Some people even have bulls in the yard, elves and such, Hintz laughs.

The Dallas Stars will play a day game against the Nashville Predators on the eve, after which the team’s players will have a three-day break.

Roope Hintz (center) and Miro Heiskanen (right) contribute to the Finnish Christmas table. AOP / USA TODAY SPORTS
