One thing surprised Joanna Wallinheimo in her TV work

Joanna Wallinheimo, who is starring in her first TV role, tells Iltalehte what surprised her the most about her work.

Joanna Wallinheimo’s dream came true when she got her first TV series role in the summer of 2021. Rosa Bröijer

Joanna Wallinheimo, who dreamed of an acting career, got her first proper role a year ago when she was caught Beach barto the cast of the series. This summer, Wallinheimo continues its role as Mimosa.

– Last summer was quite a learning process. I knew almost nothing about the field, so there was a lot to learn and every day I learned something new, Wallinheimo describes.

This year, he feels that he is more confident in filming the series. Being in front of the cameras is no longer exciting in the same way, and he knows better what he’s doing.

Wallinheimo has also gained confidence from watching finished episodes, which help him see where there is still room for improvement.

– The feeling that this is my passion and the path that I want to follow as far as possible has been getting stronger all the time, the actor explains happily.

Although a place to study at Teatterikorkeakoulu did not open this year, Wallinheimo is confident about the future. For example, she plans to study at an open university in the fall, because in addition to her work as an actress, she is interested in the qualification of a nutritionist.

Surprising feedback

The first role has taught me a lot, but Wallinheimo did not know how to prepare for the next one. He has received negative feedback when many think the actor is similar to his character.

According to the actress, her character Mimosa can be disgusting at times, and that causes many reactions among the viewers of the series. Some have even come to comment on the use of the character when they see Wallinheimo.

– It came as a surprise that people don’t always remember that this is scripted and not real life, commented Wallinheimo.

Wallinheimo doesn’t mind criticism of the character. It would hurt him more if his work as an actor were to be criticized. As an actor, he has received positive feedback.

– It is good if the role divides opinions, because it means that I have done something right, he reflects.

However, the negative feedback and attitude has not discouraged the beginning actor, even though sometimes the comments have gone personal.

– Even though there have been all kinds of comments and online bullying, I still feel that I survived quite a bit. It is unfortunately part of the industry and I believe that many colleagues are struggling with the same issues on an even bigger scale, he emphasizes.

Wallinheimo doesn’t give up because he feels he is in the right field and gives himself permission to learn and develop at his own pace. Rosa Bröijer
