One of two, or radical ‘patatonas’, or sweet potatoes

02/28/2023 at 20:01


Interesting beginning of the new ‘Free Zone’ of Danae Boronat (TV-3). Unfortunately then it went ‘peff’, like when you prick a balloon. But they are in time to correct it and dare to do what they promised. I’m going to explain.

ripped Danae, the new presenter, very loose, with a lot of verve, noting that she was a ‘feminazi’ from the provinces, and perhaps even for some a ‘femilazi’. She went on to point out that having a set without men, starring five women exclusively –she and the four from the Mercabanda combo– was a colossal thing that had never been seen on TV-3. She notified that from now on the program would be a “camp of patatonas” and that men would be made visible as an almost extinct species. And finally they proclaimed the ‘Constitució de la Dona Franca’, Free State of the Institutional Pussy, where it is strictly forbidden to throw compliments or little flowers type “pretty!” either “beautiful!”. They want to be yelled at: “Feminazis!”. In other words, this, from the outset, looked very good. But it was a drill. The program turned out to be a soft sticker of what the previous presenter did Joel Diaz.

I think this program has returned to TV-3 because the production company Atomic Beat -in which it appears Joan Rufas as responsible– has said that of ‘what about mine?’. Indeed, a change of presenter does not invalidate the contract. ‘Pact sunt servanda‘, says the first law of civil law. So what matters here is to continue billing. The smart thing would be to give the program a radical twist. A more ‘stripat’ style than the one he printed Joel Diaz they will not find it. So if they aspire to be “feminazis, familazis and radical patatonas& rdquor;, the variant of a radical sarcastic feminist ‘late show’ could be a blow on TV-3 that perhaps even the little or much that may remain of it would like. ‘processime’ on that channel.

An alternative is to be inspired by the successful ‘Radio BarbiJaputa’ podcast where they practice a sharp ‘vaginocracy’. In this new ‘Dona Franca’ everything masculine should be treated as a slave. The few males that come out, crawl like cockroaches. At best, let them be simple ‘boys’ used as stuffing for pounded meat. In this debut they have not dared. Be careful, the ‘radical patatonas’ submerged in a simple ‘bain-marie’, can end up as sweet potatoes.
