One of the squatters of Teo’s house where Asunta was murdered ten years ago arrested and imprisoned


09/19/2023 at 9:39 p.m.


Civil Guard agents appeared yesterday at the Rosario Porto chalet to arrest and transfer to Teixeiro one of the people who live there illegally.

The heiress has denounced and demands eviction

Two Civil Guard cars, one camouflage, caught the attention of a group of residents of Montouto (Teo, A Coruña) this Monday at noon, especially because the Benemérita agents were looking for something or someone in the vicinity of the chalet where a decade ago a crime occurred that shocked Compostela. This Thursday Ten years have passed since the news of the murder of little Asunta Fang Yong Basterra Porto, 12 years old., opened a new page in the history of the black chronicle of the Galician capital. Hers is the story of a girl adopted in China in 2001 by the couple formed by the lawyer Rosario Porto Ortega and the journalist Alfonso Basterra Camporrothe same ones that twelve years later, on a tragic September 21, 2013, a date forever marked in the collective memory of Santiago, would end his life.

Over the course of this decade, rivers of ink have flowed over a case that closed with a sentence of 20 years in prison for both parents, after it was shown that they had been sedating little Asunta with high doses of lorazepam for some time as part of a plan to end her life. His body was found at dawn on September 22 on a forest track in Cacheiras (Teo). The motive, despite the different conjectures that were considered, has never been clarified, since nor Alfonso Basterra, who is serving his sentence in Teixeiro, nor Rosario Porto, who committed suicide in 2020 in the Brieva prison (Ávila), They never admitted the facts nor did they show any remorse, always defending their innocence.

According to the ruling, They ended Asunta’s life by suffocating herwhile the girl was completely helpless because of all the pills they had given her before to sedate her. The scene of the crime, the family chalet of Rosario’s parents, the remembered lawyer Francisco Porto and the USC professor Socorro Ortega, located in Montouto, Teo.

Civil Guard troops traveled to this place yesterday, although as sources from the force informed EL CORREO, the reasons have nothing to do with the remembered Asunta case. The agents went to this point to arrest one of the squatters who have illegally lived in the house since it was left semi-abandoned when Charo Porto went to prison in 2013. La Benemérita confirmed that this Monday an order was executed to arrest and imprison one of the squatters, for reasons that have not been revealed. At the time the officers arrived at the chalet, this individual was not inside, so it was necessary to wait for him to appear. When he did it, He was arrested and transferred to Teixeiro prison.

Seven mastiffs on the farm

One of the seven mastiffs on the farm. | ANTONIO HERNANDEZ

But, in addition, this Monday there was also another episode related to the chalet, after seven large mastiffs with which illegal tenants live of the Porto property escaped from the farm. This was indicated by police sources, who pointed out that the animals were caught by members of Civil Protection, who returned them to the house.

The neighbors in the area, with whom EL CORREO was able to speak this Monday, assure that it is not the first time that the dogs escape from the plot, and they even point out that “this is not the first time they attack the galiñas.” Police sources add that there is also evidence that the squatters once escaped with a Celtic breed pig, which was caught shortly after by members of the Civil Protection service.

A close friend of the family

Scrap metal that accumulates inside the plot. | ANTONIO HERNANDEZ

As can be seen in the images of Antonio Hernández, Teo’s house is located in a very poor condition and completely full of garbage and scrap. It was the subject of a fire in 2020, when it was already squatted. The farm is currently property of María Teresa Sampedro, known in the family environment as La Nena, a close friend of the Porto Ortega couple and Charo herself. She was the only one who never abandoned her and who did not stop visiting her while she was serving her sentence in Galician prisons. Sampedro received a good part of the important family assets of the Porto Ortega family: an apartment on Rúa Xeneral Pardiñas, which he has already sold, Charo’s home on Doutor Teixeiro street, which he is renovating; a summer apartment in Vilanova de Arousa, which he rents on Airbnb, and the chalet in Montouto.

As this newspaper has learned, La Nena has already denounced the squatting and destruction of the house in court, demanding that the eviction of the people who live there illegally be carried out as soon as possible. As EL CORREO published a year ago, their intention is to get rid of the property, but the fact that it is squatted by intruders makes it difficult, if not impossible, for a purchase and sale operation to go ahead satisfactorily.
