One of the celebrities left the race

Emotions rose to the surface at the Farm when one of the contestants decided to go home.

Farmi Suomen’s opening episode saw a surprising turn right away, when the singer Helena Lindgren decided to give up in the middle of the race. Lindgren justified his decision with the harsh conditions of the farm.

– No matter how much I want to be here with you, my body resists. All those supervised cold nights, hot sun and little food, my body can’t take it, the singer told the contestants sitting around the table.

For Helena Lindgren, the conditions on the farm became too harsh. Four

Lindgren was moved to tears during his speech.

– I thought it was fairer and wiser to leave room for younger people. I have received and experienced so much in my life. Of course, this would have been another new experience, but that’s how things are now.

The participation taxed the singer’s strength, because he collapsed during the qualifying task. He hobbled into the shade, where the singer rested throughout the rest of the competition.

– There was a certain heat stroke or sunstroke. This is what happened, there was no other way, Lindgren stated in the episode.

Helena Lindgren failed in the water-carrying challenge. Alpertti Rieskjarvi Ruoste Productions

– I had a terrible headache. I wondered, since I’m not much of a headache person, what it was, and thought I’d go with the guts. When the race started and I started running, I got black in my eyes. I managed to drag myself into the shadows somehow. After that, I don’t remember anything except that I threw up and they took me somewhere to lie down, the singer recalled.

Lindgren’s short Farmi experience was full of emotions. Already at the beginning of the episode, the singer was moved to tears after seeing the farm’s animals.

– Then remember that you don’t curse or shout with animals, he told the other competitors.

Lindgren, who also worked as an actor during his career, admitted that he was nervous about arriving at the farm.

– When you got here (to the farm) and saw the animals and everything, suddenly there was such peace.

There are still 12 well-known people competing for the Farm’s win, who are aiming for the main pot of 30,000 euros. There are also village shopkeeper Sampo Kaulanen, a track and field athlete Jade Nyströman entrepreneur Susanna PenttiläMiss Finland Essi Unkuri, manager Meri Aalto, psychologist Veltto Virtanen, actress Johanna Puhakkathe cook Teemu Laurelleditor Katri Utulasocial media personality Joona Puhakkasinger Mariko Pajalahti and hair and make-up artist Antonio Flores.

They arrive at the mid-season competition to mix things up Henny Harjusola mixed Janne Ahonen.

Farmi Suomi starts at Nelose and Ruudu on Saturday 4 March. at 8 p.m. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
