one of my most beautiful gp

The Frenchman from Yamaha after his 2nd place at Zeltweg: “Very hard and tight race like a qualifying: to overtake I had to hope for someone else’s mistake: it wasn’t easy but that overtaking Miller was wonderful”

Fabio Quartararo is radiant with his second place in the Austrian GP behind the Ducati of Bagnaia: “I consider this to be one of my best races – says the Yamaha Frenchman -. It was difficult to compete in a GP like this, I pushed myself to the limit. , it was really hard and I risked crashing several times because every lap was like a qualifying “.

that overtaking of miller

The Zeltweg track was not the best for Yamaha and this magnifies the extent of Quartararo’s performance: “This track is tough because there are so many points of acceleration: after the first laps like this and so I made a good comeback and if I had started better I could have had a good fight in front with Bagnaia – says Fabio -. However, I am very happy, if I had started better I could have fought up front with Pecco, but to overcome I had to hope for someone else’s mistake and it was hard. In the end I recovered with that I overtook Jack Miller at the chicane: I braked hard and surprised him. He certainly wasn’t expecting it. “
