One Ocean Summit YOUNG: students for the sea

DDefend the oceans before it’s too late. Save them from microplastics but also from urban pollution, preserve their biodiversity, develop the Blue Economy. These and other themes are at the center of the third edition of One Ocean Summit YOUNG, the event organized by One Ocean Foundation which will take place on November 16th at the Parenti Theater in Milan, in front of an audience of high school students.

An image from the last edition of One Ocean Summit YOUNG.

Milan was not chosen by chance for the Summit; it has always been considered a city of water, with its historic canals that crossed it and connected it to the network of rivers and lakes in the region. Right from here, therefore, a project can start work on awareness of sea protection. The protagonists are the boys, who will be at the forefront of this battle.

One Ocean Foundation, established by the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda for its 50th anniversary in 2017, is engaged in various conservation projects, for example with MARE, for the mapping of the Italian coasts, or Spot the Monk, on the repopulation of the monk seal. Furthermore, last June, during Ocean Week, it organized the Blue Economy Summit. Many concrete objectives and a priority commitment: to encourage the active participation of the new generations.

From the sea, opportunity for redemption

The president of the foundation, Riccardo Bonadeo, explains: «One Ocean Summit YOUNG is our manifesto to train and involve young people in a constructive dialogue, in order to help them transform awareness into concrete actions. This year we want to tell how the sea can offer opportunities for redemption and success even to young people in difficulty. For this reason, among the guests there will be Daniele Cassioli, extraordinary Paralympic water skiing champion”.

Anna Scavuzzo, deputy mayor of Milan will also participate (the Municipality has given its patronage), who underlines how important it is to accompany «the kids to look at the oceans and the life in and around them, with that sense of wonder that the poetry of nature knows how to arouse: it is from this beauty that the sense of responsibility towards our ecosystem».

In addition to listening to the speeches of the guests, the children will be presented by Intesa Sanpaolo, one of the main partners of the Oce Ocean Foundation, with challenge challengers on the Blue Economywhich will engage them in the coming months.

