One Hundred Thousand, fundraising for anti-violence centers

Saccording to Istat data 6 million and 788 thousand women have suffered some form of physical or sexual violence during their lives. 78 feminicides have been recorded in Italy since January 1, 2023. This spiral of violence must call everyone to a great response. Which can start from a small gesture, such as participation in the fundraiser promoted by One Hundred Thousand Foundation ETS for the prevention and fight against violence against women.

Marisa Leo, victim of feminicide: in a video she fought against gender violence

The initiative was organized in collaboration with the Differenza Donna APS association, the historic organization that manages the national anti-violence and stalking toll-free number 1522. And it should have been launched by the great concert scheduled for September 26th at the Verona Arena, with the artistic direction of the Honorary President Fiorella Mannoia. The singer’s health problems led to the event being postponed to 2024. But the campaign remains, with the support of the artists who were involved in the project, and many others.

One None One Hundred Thousand, all you need to support anti-violence centers is a text message

So just send a text message to the solidarity number 45586 To partecipate. The entire proceeds from the fundraiser will be donated to support for anti-violence centers and shelters from all over Italy. Centers which, let us remember, over 50 thousand women turn to every year. The money raised will be used to help organizations in serious economic difficulty. And to allow the investment necessary for their development.

The criteria with which the beneficiary centers will be selected are based on some fundamental assets. Which are transparency, inclusiveness, territoriality, giving priority to the South, the suburbs and particularly critical contexts.

How the funds will be allocated

In the selection process of the beneficiary structures, account will be taken not only of characteristics such as experience, competence, professionalism, the ability to generate and mobilize other resources, but the logic of the acupuncturist will be used: to stimulate the creative part of the realities that work in anti-violence centers so that resources can multiply for the future and organizations can grow and become increasingly independent.

Every Italian anti-violence center has the opportunity to become a partner of the Una Quale Centomila Foundation. The objective is to undertake a path that sees them as protagonists and no longer just “beneficiaries”.

How to participate in the fundraiser

You can donate €5 or €10 via landline call Tim, Vodafone, WindTre, Fastweb, Geny and Tiscali. €5 with a call from TWT, Convergenze and Postemobile landlines. OR €2 via text message from personal WindTre, TIM, Vodafone, PosteMobile, Iliad, Coop Voce and Tiscali mobile phones.

One None One Hundred Thousand, when business is social

Founded in November 2022 by Fiorella Mannoia (Honorary President), Una Quale Centomila ETS is the first Italian foundation dedicated to preventing and combating violence against women which comes to life from a cultural event. And it is precisely through the world of culture that we propose to intervene for a radical change in the structural dimensions from which violence originates and reproduces.

The route started nin June 2022 starting from the concert of the same name at the RCF Arena in Reggio Emilia (Campovolo). Uone of the largest social business operations in the history of Italian music. In fact, it allowed us to donate over 200,000 euros to each of the 7 anti-violence centers involved in the project.

Raise awareness, prevent and combat

Then as now, the Foundation’s objective is to raise awareness, prevent and combat male violence against women through three fundamental areas of intervention. First of all support for anti-violence centers and shelter homes. Secondly, overcoming cultural prejudices that legitimize violence, through affective education projects in schools. In the end, the production of cultural awareness events on the issues of gender discrimination and male violence against women.

