One and a half years in prison for young Hilversum who set fatal house fire, four years for co-suspects

The three Hilversum residents who were involved in the fatal house fire two years ago that killed the couple Marco Witkamp and Vanessa Vos have been sentenced to four years in prison. The main suspect, a now 19-year-old Hilversum who was still a minor at the time of the fire, has to go to prison for a year and a half.

The court considers it proven that the three Hilversummers caused the fire two years ago. The blame lies mainly with the main suspect, who actually poured petrol through the letterbox and then started the fire.

The fact that the young Hilversummer ultimately receives the lowest sentence of the three is because he was still a minor at the time of the fire and is therefore sentenced under juvenile criminal law. A maximum prison sentence of two years applies there, although the main suspect AK will experience the consequences of his act for many years to come due to the imposition of a juvenile detention order. That can take up to seven years.

The main suspect from Hilversum is not only convicted for the fire, but also for a home burglary that he committed during the suspension of his pre-trial detention, notably with an ankle bracelet. The judge blames him heavily for making another mistake during his provisional release.

Heavy sentences for co-defendants

The two co-defendants both have to go to prison for four years. The judge blames them heavily for having participated in the arson.

Suleiman Al H. was on the lookout at the arson and lent out his debit card to buy the petrol, Wail El B. transported the two to the house of Marco and Vanessa.

The sentence for the two is three years less than required, because the judge – unlike the public prosecutor – believes that the two did not commit the arson themselves. The judge does rule that they are complicit, partly because they could have already intervened at the gas pump.

Fire after harassment

Two years ago, the fire was the absolute low point of a longer series of harassment involving the Hilversum couple. Their house was regularly pelted with eggs and stones and there was once a dead rat in front of the door.

There have been rumors for some time that the fire was started on behalf of the neighborhood. This would also be apparent from tapped telephone conversations. The perpetrators received an amount of 150 euros for the fire, according to various ‘tikkies’. It is not clear who exactly received the money.

The fire caused a lot of commotion in the area at the time. The high sentence requirement could therefore count on the approval of local residents last month. Watch the video we made at the time here.
