Onderwijspartners sluiten pact voor sterkere lerarenopleidingen: “We put the last higher” | Onderwijs

The Vlaams Minister of Onderwijs Ben Weyts and defenders of the higher onderwijs have a pact slotted om the quality of the lerarenopleidingen te increase. This pact is intended for the strijd to be read and the strijd voor meer onderwijskwaliteit. “We put the last high level in the learning process, which means that we will suffer more and more empty crashes in the sea on the other hand,” says Weyts. For the first time, we invested an additional 15 million euros per year in January.

Vlaams minister van Onderwijs Ben Weyts schoof aan Tafel met alle lerarenopleidingen van zowel hogescholen als universiteiten en onderhandelde maandenlang over concrete connections om the quality nog te bebeteren en de aantrekkelijkheid te verhogen.

Weyts now has a pact slotted with the Flemish Hogescholenraad (VLHORA) and the Flemish Interuniversitaire Raad (VLIR) from the lerarenopleidingen court and structureel te reinforced. The curriculum in the educational bachelor’s program is a major update, with a focus on training, training and classroom management. He comes to all opleidingen meer aandacht voor Nederlands, zodat elke leerkracht and taalleerkracht wordt. The accent also comes close to practice. The students can also do their practical training. Also, the students are able to take part in the training process and the students will be able to attend school. Students who have already received a master’s diploma do not need to sleep in the learning process: in the plaats he comes for a customized master’s internship, with a prayer for the classical internship.

For zij-instromers the soms still worstelen with bijvoorbeeld uitdagende classes comes an ‘EHBO package’ op maat. He also comes with a great master’s degree in basic learning, the teaching of the basic school reinforces the word with extra expertise. A master also controls the maatchappelijke waardering and the instroom of strong profiles.

15 million euros extra per year

Weyts investeert vanaf January 15 million euros extra per year in the lerarenopleidingen om al deze emmingen mogelijk te maken. “The learning process is crucial for the bonding of the onderwijskwaliteit op te krikken en the lerarentekort aan te pakken,” says Weyts.

“We have the opportunity to invest in the learning process, which introduces the starting project. Once they emerge from the world, they want their equipment to be inscribed for 10 years and this is a trend. Now we have the following steps, so that we can get a strong start and we will come into contact with the negative perception that the soms still state the opzichte van de lerarenopleiding. Seeds with the introduction of the master base on the trekking we have so strong profiles aan voor de mooiste job ter world”, Aldus Weyts.
