Onderhandelingen over Iran’s nuclear program starting in Wenen | Buitenland

The hoofdonderhandelaar van de Europese Unie, Enrique Mora, coördinert de onderhandelingen. Western diplomats have said that their children are left with the rest of the agreement that they must avoid developing Iran’s nuclear weapons. There are no middle-of-the-road signals that the next day a door brake is opened in the second trading area.

The delegates, who were diplomats from Germany, France, Groot-Brittannië, Russia and China, discuss a plan that will be opgesteld in Maart and are lightly adapted. Het nuclear agreement must be known in the nuclear program of Iran, in Ruil voor het opheffen van sancties. Maar de geprekken tussen Iran and de zes partijen van het akkoord, China, Germany, Frankrijk, Groot-Brittannië, Russia and de VS, slepen al maanden aan.

Iran sloot in 2015 a accord with the VS, Germany, France, Groot-Brittannië, Russia, China and the EU om geen nuclear weapons are being developed. In 2018, the VS was dry on the impulse from the toenmale American President Donald Trump, taking part in the agreement, waarna Tehran delimited aan zijn kernprogramma steeds vaker Schond. Other American President Joe Biden will be announced in 2021 to start the nuclear deal with the reanimers.
