Once blue and white, always blue and white – that’s what Hertha fans say about relegation

BZ asked some Hertha fans about the descent at the Olympic Stadium

BZ asked some Hertha fans about the descent at the Olympic Stadium Photo: Charles Yunck

From the BZ editorial team

What a drama: almost with the last situation, Hertha gets the final knockout – relegation to the second division. Many fans are angry, the players are struggling to keep their composure.

Pal Dardai tried to comfort his devastated professionals, leader Kevin-Prince Boateng tearfully struggled for the right words – and beer mugs and flagpoles flew from the stands.

Hertha BSC were only seconds away on Saturday to retain hope of staying in the Bundesliga for at least another week. “I can’t realize it yet,” said Boateng on Sky.

BZ asked some fans about Hertha’s relegation

Nico Nimmergut (41), bailiff from Marzahn:

Nico Nimmergut (41), bailiff from Marzahn: “I’ve been to every game since 1990. Saying goodbye doesn’t hurt that much. It would have been worse in recent years. Now you were ready for it. I will remain loyal to Hertha. Today was a special day because my daughters Jasmin and Lilli were there.” Photo: Charles Yunck

Marit Steinbach (50), teacher from Spandau:

Marit Steinbach (50), teacher from Spandau: “Hertha played a lot better today than the last time. I’m obviously sad that they’ve been relegated. I keep going anyway. Once blue and white, always blue and white. Fan support is even more important when things are going badly.” Photo: Charles Yunck

Micha (60), waiter from Neukölln, Hertha member, season ticket holder:

Micha (60), waiter from Neukölln, Hertha member, season ticket holder: “It was a pickle game. need versus misery. They’ve descended so many times – it doesn’t matter. I’m always there with my heart. Once Hertha, always Hertha” Photo: Charles Yunck

Kasy (32), gas station employee, season ticket holder: “I was tense the whole time, the air in the stadium was still.  Now it can only get better

Kasy (32), gas station employee, season ticket holder: “I was tense the whole time, the air in the stadium was still. Now it can only get better” Photo: Charles Yunck


Olympic Stadium Pal Dardai
