‘On1 passed? Hell, better than Renze!’

Charles Groenhuijsen is annoyed by the news that his talk show Op1 is almost dead. He points out that the program scored very well after the fall of the cabinet.

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Many people are surprised that the talk show Op1 will go on summer break after tonight. After all, Mark Rutte’s cabinet has just fallen, so you would say there is still plenty to talk about. Nevertheless, the people of Op1 are going on vacation, because the decor should be renewed due to the departure of BNNVARA from the program.

‘Tired of’

Charles Groenhuijsen protested against this decision in RTL Boulevard, but that did not really help. Now he says in front of the Shownieuws camera: “I think it’s a shame, but well, those broadcasting bosses decided it that way. ‘Budgets’ and I don’t know what. We’re going to stop for a while, but I think it’s weird.”

Not everyone will miss Op1, according to the many negative reactions to the show. “About eight or nine weeks ago there was a kind of wave – it always goes in waves – that we were causing too much excitement and looking for trouble. And now the vibe in all those bits is again: yes, they’re a bit boring and it’s slow. Sometimes I get a little tired of it.”

‘Get out!’

According to Charles, things are going really well with the ratings. “This week we really hit the million mark every day. Indeed, we were a bit like that with Renze. Well, we made a decisive breakaway this week against the good Renze.”

He continues: “Again: I wish him all the best, but it does say something. And then you read all kinds of pieces of: ‘It’s over with that Op1.’ Thunder up! Really nonsense!”
