On the roof of the car at 130 km/h: dangerous social challenge, the video

A video released by the deputy Francesco Emilio Borrelli shows two cars circulating with a person lying on the roof. On the speedometer the speed is 130 km/h

Yet another highly dangerous insanity associated with the misuse of vehicles. Apparently, linked to the desire to perform on social networks. It would have happened recently in Naples, in the Agnano area. The video in question was released on August 25, on social media, by the deputy Francesco Emilio Borrelli. The video shows two distinct moments. In the first, who shoots the video shoots the speedometer that indicates the speed of 130 km/h and immediately shifts the shot to the roof of his car, where we see a person lying on the roof, electronically obfuscated to avoid identification. Change of “scene” and another car with a hanging person is framed, this time the vehicles proceed at low speed. Needless to add what disasters could happen.

deputy borrelli: “crazy escalation”

It was the deputy Francesco Emilio Borrelli who spread the video on one of his social profiles, commenting: “I find the video sent to me disconcerting which, as stated by those who reported it, would have been made in Agnano where a group of young people aboard powerful cars they challenge each other in a challenge covering the streets of the neighborhood at 130 km/h, tied to the roof of the car, all then promptly taken up by the same protagonists and posted on social networks to boast of this umpteenth challenge of idiocy and irresponsibility. It is truly worrying to witness this crazy escalation among young people who are increasingly attracted to extreme and meaningless challenges, for a handful of likes or for a few seconds of visibility on social networks. A drift on which we must intervene promptly, before count new deaths without a reason in our streets”.
