On September 14th everyone will receive a warning text message

Warning Day 2023 is coming. This is a joint federal-state project to integrate an efficient alarm system. This is what is coming to us today, September 14, 2023.

The first nationwide warning day took place in Germany on September 10, 2020. The reason: Since then, all so-called warning devices for emergencies have to be tested regularly across countries. In view of recent disasters such as the 2021 flood in the southwest of the country, this seems to make sense. However, there has been a bit of a lack of implementation so far. After a relatively smooth process last year, it’s now time for a new one with Warning Day 2023.

Warning Day 2023 will take place on September 14th

Warning Day 2023 will take place on September 14th. The warning system in Germany should then be tested again. The purpose is to issue organized warning messages on all available channels in order to prepare for an emergency. So the sirens will sound at the same time and a corresponding notification will be sent out via SMS and disaster app. A so-called cell broadcast system is used for this. Broadcasters then also interrupt their programs and issue a corresponding message.

“We have to test new systems so that we can use them precisely later,” said Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD). The test actually always takes place in September. Last year, however, the warning day had to be postponed to December due to technical problems. In addition to testing the systems themselves, the process is also intended to ensure that everyone living in Germany can get used to it and be prepared for an emergency.

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How does a warning day work?

At 11 a.m. sharp, all emergency services and authorities involved activated all available warning devices. These include radio and television stations, display boards, sirens and corresponding warning apps. The official warning app from the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) is called NINA. An official all-clear will be given as scheduled at 11:45 a.m.

The aforementioned so-called cell broadcasting has also been available since 2021. This system will also be used to send a cell phone message to all citizens who are near a radio mast at the time. Unlike NINA, for example, not only smartphone users can be reached, but everyone with a cell phone.

First warning day of 2020 was a failure

The first warning day took place in 2020 and, in retrospect, was a failure. Among other things, the messages from the warning apps only arrived half an hour late. In federal states like Berlin, the planned siren alarm was canceled because the area is too densely populated for civil defense sirens.

In 2021, the Federal Ministry of the Interior had to cancel the warning day entirely. Horst Seehofer (CSU), who was responsible for the project at the time, said the reason was that the BBK was still working on a “comprehensive test landscape”. This involved, among other things, building new and repairing old sirens.

The fact that Warning Day 2022 will now take place on December 8th and not at the beginning of September, as originally planned, is also due to system planning. The postponement is intended to give the cell broadcasting system even more time. In response to the flood disaster, the warning system should also become generally better and more efficient in order to be optimally prepared in an emergency and to be able to warn as many people as possible at an early stage.

