On Sakhalin opened a criminal case after the death of a worker during an avalanche

Investigators opened a criminal case after the death of a man during an avalanche in the Sakhalin Region at the Solntsevsky Coal Mine enterprise. This is stated in a post on site regional department of the Investigative Committee.

The case was opened under an article on violation of safety rules during construction and other work, which negligently caused the death of a person (part 2 of article 216 of the Criminal Code), it threatens, as a maximum measure, with five years in prison.

The Sakhalin prosecutor’s office also reportedthat began checking after the incident.

On Sakhalin, an avalanche killed a man

The snow avalanche came down on February 5 at about 12:20 local time – 4:20 Moscow time. The deceased – his name is Dmitry Novikov – was among four workers who dismantled the old pipeline. Two victims got out and under the rubble on their own, another was helped by rescuers, he was handed over to the doctors. The height of the snow mass is 15 m, about 80 people and 10 pieces of equipment were involved in saving people, clarified the authorities of the region.


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