on Real Time Taffo Funeral Services |iO Donna

THEn prime time at 9.20pm on Real Time, the first episode of This cash desk is not a hotel. Highly anticipated docuseries that tells the behind the scenes of the now famous Taffo Funeral Servicesthe most famous funeral home in Italy. Capable of having revolutionized the way of communicating with his irreverent and viral social campaigns.

Taffo Funeral Services launches the series “This coffin is not a hotel” on Real Time: the theme song

This cash desk is not a hotelthe docuseries

Composed by three episodes of thirty minutes eachduring which the work of the Taffo family is told with irony and irreverence, the series focuses on the professional events of Luciano Taffo, owner of the company of the same name funeral services agency which has been operating in the sector for many years.

A scrupulous man dedicated to his work, Taffo tries to give serenity to grieving families (at least that’s what he claims), even at the cost of outbursts towards his employees. Even because as “the emperor” says – as he is called by his loved ones – the funeral is “a service that does not allow replies”.

between late night calls, complicated decisions and arguments between employees, This cash desk is not a hotel enters the daily life of the famous company and Luciano’s entrepreneurial dreams. Who ardently desires to give the city of Rome its first funeral home.

A scene from the docuseries “This box is not a hotel”. (Real Time)

Together with Luciano, in the docuseries we also get to know his large family, where everyone contributes to the success of the work. As Luana, wife of the owner and manager of the domestic pet cremation sector. Empathetic and affectionate woman with customers who does not like her husband’s interference in her affairs.

Then there are his sons Alessandro and Daniele: the first is the home creative e the “responsible” for the bold advertising campaigns while the second makes the company’s accounts balance with its rationality. Last but not least we meet Sandro Purificatia jovial and imaginative figure, responsible for the operational area of ​​the company, who has the delicate task of calming the daily anxieties and anger of Emperor Lucian.

The uniqueness of the Taffo company

Keeping faith with the ancient traditions which, since the first decades of the last century, helped the founder Giuseppe Taffo to produce the funeral coffins of the province of L’Aquila with their own hands, the corporate team has made teamwork its strength.

Sharing knowledge, intuitions and passions with an eye always turned to the future, the company has undertaken a path of professional growth that has taken it up to its fifth generational transition. Today the funeral home is a modern service companymanaged according to rigorous managerial criteria which have led it to enrich the production chain and services over the years.

In more recent years, Taffo Funeral Services has also created a division dedicated to funerary art, furnishings and the processing of marble and stone. By integrating the proverbial skill of Abruzzo stonemasons with the most innovative technologies for marble processing. Icing on the cake the irreverent advertising and social media campaigns that often cause a lot of discussionlike the last one this summer which read: “It’s hot“.

