On Martin Courtney’s album Magic Sign, the polyphonic choirs are especially trumps

Martin Courtney is an artist that is easy to overlook. The appearance and music of the musician and singer-songwriter from the state of New York seem rather modest. But beneath his comfortable, never obtrusive songs lies a beauty of melody and harmony. On Courtney’s second solo album – he also plays in the indie rock band Real Estate – the polyphonic choirs are especially trumps. In the dreamy soft pop of corncob they form the deep-pile carpet into which your ears sink. With twinkling guitars, sustained chords on keys and a slow pace at which you can walk well, everything breathes Magic Sign a pastoral rest. So much so that here and there you wished Courtney shook things up a bit more. You can hear what the result can be when Courtney allows assertive electric guitars in sailboat: beautiful power pop à la The Posies. It is immediately the best song on the album.

Martin Courtney

Magic Sign



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