ON EVERYONE’S MOUTH | A Cuatro reporter, sexually assaulted live: “Isa, did he just touch your ass?”

On at 15:27


A man, who ended up being arrested by the National Police, touches the journalist’s ass while she was covering information on the street in the heart of Madrid

Isa Baladoa reporter for ‘En Boca de Todos’, Cuatro’s current affairs program, was doing a live report in the Madrid neighborhood of Lavapiés when a man passing by on the street touched her ass. Immediately, the journalist stopped him and tried to continue covering the information, but the set prevented him from talking about what happened.

“Sorry to interrupt you, Isa, But did he just touch your ass?”tells him his Nacho Abad from set. To which she, visibly uncomfortable and violated, responds yes. “I just can’t understand it,” the presenter replies angrily. “Can you put that stupid guy in front of me, please?“he asks his partner.

At that moment, Isa Balado confronts her aggressor: “As much as you want to ask us what program we are from, do you really have to touch my ass?” he asks. “I’m doing a live show and I’m working“he snaps at the man.

The aforementioned stammers a response and he tries to shake her hand to apologizebut she reject the gesture and tells him that “I wish you would let me work.” The man adds that “I didn’t want to touch your ass”, to which the presenter cannot contain himself and blurts out a forceful “this guy is an idiot”.

Finally, when for the unfriendly time the reporter asks him to leave her alone and go away, the aggressor leaves, but not before touching the woman’s hair in a paternalistic and sexist way.

“We have recorded him”, “you have nothing to feel”

After the man leaves, Abad addresses his companion again: “I’m very sorry for what just happened to you, you stupid idiot. We have recorded it“he assures the reporter, who makes visible efforts to maintain composure in the face of the situation.

“I’m sorry,” he says, but Nacho Abad replies that “you have nothing to feel“. “You are doing your job, as well as you always do, and an idiot comes and touches your ass live without any right“says the presenter before trying to return to the topic of the report that was covering the program.

Subsequently, the aggressor ended up being arrested by members of the National Police.
