On Black Friday, Freitag relies on bartering instead of buying

Photo: Friday / Philip Frowein

The Swiss bag label Freitag finds Black Friday (November 25) neither smart nor particularly sustainable. That’s why Freitag doesn’t want to lure people into the shops with discounts, but with an exchange campaign.

With this, the Zurich bag manufacturers want to encourage all those who already own a unique Friday item and would like to have a new one to use Black Friday for an exchange. This exchange transaction is already possible online via the global exchange platform for bags, SWAP (Shopping Without Any Payment), developed by Freitag itself. Online consumers are also automatically redirected to this platform when they visit the Freitag web shop on Black Friday.

With the offline campaign, the Freitag stores worldwide are now also taking part for the first time and invite you to a real exchange of bags. Friday is not alone: ​​together with the bag label, the brands Mud Jeans, Raeburn, Asket, Flamingos Life, Soeder, Secrid, Oy and Brompton have also committed themselves to the campaign.
