Omtzigt warns of the consequences of a higher minimum wage

Politicians should be careful about raising the minimum wage, Pieter Omtzigt believes. Higher wages will also cause prices to rise, he warns. According to him, tough action with climate measures will not help either.

Omtzigt said this on Sunday afternoon during the TV program Buitenhof. His party New Social Contract (NSC) will not present its election manifesto until the end of October, but Omtzigt provided some hints.

It is striking that the MP warns against an increase in the minimum wage, a position that has now become commonplace. The current cabinet has already implemented a 10 percent increase and a party such as the VVD has also included a further increase in its election manifesto. Coalition party CU even wants to increase it to 18 euros. Omtzigt is not against a higher minimum wage, but does warn of the consequences of a significant increase. “You have to ensure that prices do not rise,” he says. According to him, that is the effect of a higher minimum wage.

Extinction Rebellion

Omtzigt also spoke out about climate policy, for example on what Extinction Rebellion calls fossil subsidies and against which that group has been protesting for days on the A12 near The Hague. According to the NSC leader, there is no point in taking tax benefits away from companies. “If you think that all those companies will stay here…,” says Omtzigt. “They will be located just across the border and produce there.”

According to Omtzigt, sensible climate policy means ensuring that people with a lower income in particular are helped to become greener. According to him, this help now mainly reaches higher incomes, for example in the form of subsidies for plug-in cars. In addition, Omtzigt advocates international agreements to tax shipping and industry more heavily.


Omtzigt also responds to the outstretched hand of PVV leader Geert Wilders in Saturday’s De Telegraaf. He calls on Omtzigt not to exclude him if it comes to government. Omtzigt previously said he ‘doesn’t see a coalition of his party with the PVV happening’. He repeats this on Sunday: “I want to govern with parties that leave the rule of law intact.” Omtzigt does not include the PVV: “I have not exactly seen that in recent years.”

Still, he doesn’t close the door completely yet. Omtzigt says he wants to work with all parties and has feelings for minority cabinets. According to him, this would be ‘healthy’ for democracy, because the House of Representatives would then no longer be confronted with closed agreements from the coalition.
