“Omicron” reached Chukotka

Chukotka has become the last Russian region where a new strain of the omicron coronavirus has nevertheless penetrated. This was announced by the Deputy Governor, Head of the Health Department of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug Nadezhda Ishchenko. She added that she is now awaiting official confirmation of this from Rospotrebnadzor.

Omicron was previously identified in 84 out of 85 constituent entities of Russia, recalls RIA News. First case of coronavirus infection also identified in the New Zealand Cook Islands, which was previously considered a COVID-19 free zone. In total, 13 thousand 200 inhabitants of the archipelago live on these islands.

As for Russia, many regions abandon the old rigid restrictions. For example, the work of restaurants, cinemas and entertainment venues in St. Petersburg is extended until 2 am. The new mode of operation will come into effect on February 21.

On February 15, 7,091 cases of coronavirus infection were detected in St. Petersburg against 11,384 the day before.

Also, those residents of the Northern capital who received QR codes based on an analysis for the presence of IgG antibodies to coronavirus will be able to freely visit sanatoriums, rest houses, swimming pools, fitness rooms, museums, exhibitions, theaters, circuses, concert halls, registry offices, sports competitions.

On February 21, face-to-face education in the schools of the Kursk region resumes.


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