Omélie (8 maanden) stierf bij onthaalmoeder: “Year later we know what he is obliged to do, what is Vienna’s fault?” | Ichtegem

“Wij gaan no one as guilty aanwijzen, maar we verwachten wel dat het justice dat doet.” Alexandra Bouckhuyt (25) and James Vandenberghe (30) have lived for a year and have had Omélie afgeven. Het juggetje was toen amper eight maanden. Bij de onthaalmoeder in the West-Vlaamse Eernegem kwam de soil van zijn bedje los. He juggles to the side, the vastness of the zitten and overleed. The park started a second time, but a year later it looped again. “Had this been reported?” says Alexandra.

Tim Lescrauwaet
