OM: ‘Old-Gastel driver fatal accident drove recklessly’ Inland

The 27-year-old Roosendaler, who caused a fatal accident in Oud-Gastel last Friday, drove recklessly, according to the Public Prosecution Service. Two young children (8 and 10) and two adult women (39 and 42) were killed. The judge decided that the man will remain in prison for at least two more weeks.

The accident took place early in the evening on Friday 2 September at an intersection at the Blauwhekken in Oud-Gastel. The suspect, a 27-year-old man from Roosendaal, was driving a rented Mercedes. At the intersection, he collided with a Toyota with five people from nearby Bosschenhoofd at very high speed.

A mother (39 years old), her son (8) and daughter (10) were killed in the collision. The other woman on board (42) also died at the scene. Her daughter (9) was injured in the accident. She has since been released from the hospital and has returned home.

According to the Public Prosecution Service, the suspect drove recklessly and is therefore guilty of the accident in which four people died and one victim was injured.
