OM now also suspects Van Lienden and partners of money laundering | NOW

Sywert van Lienden, Bernd Damme and Camille van Gestel, the three founders of the Auxiliary Alliance Foundation, are now also suspected of money laundering by the Public Prosecution Service (OM). Sources report that NRC and is confirmed by a spokesperson for the Functional Public Prosecutor’s Office. It was previously announced that the judiciary suspects the trio of fraud and eclipse

The Public Prosecution Service announced in February that it had launched a criminal investigation into, among other things, (former) directors of the Stichting Hulptroepen Alliantie (SHA), including Van Lienden. The reason for the investigation was the declaration that Randstad filed at the end of December 2021. The temporary employment agency made staff available to Stichting Hulptroepen Alliantie because it was believed to be for charity.

It later emerged that Van Lienden and the other (former) directors had set up a private company that was used for the purchase and sale of face masks. As a result, he and the other founders would have earned millions from the mouth mask deal they concluded with the Ministry of Health.

Millions of euros in dividend

According to NRC the judiciary now also suspects the trio of money laundering, because the three (former) directors paid themselves millions of euros in dividend from SHA. This is evident from the criminal file. According to the judiciary, such an act, in which the three received money that may have resulted from a crime, amounts to money laundering. Sources with knowledge of the file confirm this to the newspaper.

Van Lienden denies in a response to NRC that the justice department further expanded the suspicion with money laundering on 24 May.
