OM introduces new ‘flex speed camera’ and the first will be in Hoorn

Next Tuesday, the Public Prosecution Service will introduce a new type of speed camera, the ‘flex camera’. The Public Prosecution Service wants to deploy twenty of these piles throughout the Netherlands before the end of the year. The very first will be located in Hoorn on the Provincialeweg.

According to the Public Prosecution Service, this is a busy road through Hoorn where people often drive too fast. In recent years, several serious accidents have occurred there because cars drive too fast through the bend. With the new speed camera, the Public Prosecution Service, the municipality and the police expect that road safety will improve.

But what is a flex flash?

As the name suggests, the flex strobe is a flexible form of speed enforcement: the strobe stays in the same place for about two months and is then moved. For example, speed can be checked at different locations instead of one ‘fixed’ spot.

The Public Prosecution Service and the police also want to use the flexible flash during road works, where a temporary adjusted maximum speed applies. The flash is easy to move and can run for two months on a battery, so no power supply is required.

After Hoorn, two more locations will follow that week: November 9 Bergen op Zoom and November 14 Amsterdam.
