OM dismisses case against Johan Derksen

Johan Derksen from Grolloo will not be prosecuted for his statements during the SBS6 program Today Inside. The Public Prosecution Service Northern Netherlands has announced this. The investigation against him was aimed at ‘finding the truth of possible criminal behavior that was discussed in that program’.

Derksen revealed in the TV program a ‘youth sin’, in which he left a woman unconscious from alcohol with a candle between her legs during his time as a football player. That happened after a drink-soaked night out. This caused a lot of commotion, even though Derksen later qualified his statements.

The Public Prosecution Service has decided to dismiss the case because it cannot be established whether the offense actually took place. In addition to Derksen, a witness was interviewed during the investigation. The identity of the woman in question could not be established and she has not been spoken to.

After the fuss, Today Inside stopped, because according to Derksen there is no more room for a free way of talking, both in the TV program and in today’s society. He admitted to having made ‘a slip-up’, and toned down his story. “The facts weren’t quite right and I’ve been too hasty.” He didn’t apologize because he didn’t know who to do it to. Three weeks ago, Talpa announced that the program will return.
