OM considers all 18 Giant gummers guilty: they risk these sentences | Inland

According to the Public Prosecution Service (OM), all eighteen Giant Gums are guilty. The Public Prosecution Service wants the eighteen defendants in the Sanda Dia case to be convicted of administering harmful substances, resulting in death. That became clear today during the second day of the trial around the fatal student baptism of Sanda Dia (20). From 1.5 to 5 years in prison, these penalties risk the Giant Gums:

• Treasurer Sondage:

Risks a prison sentence of 24 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years. “We saw a minimum of guilt in him.”

• Shit fly:

Risks a prison sentence of 30 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years. He is accused of a lack of guilt.

• Shrek:

Risks a prison sentence of 30 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years. He also mentions a lack of guilt.

• President Seed:

Risks a 50-month prison sentence, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years. He also has a lack of guilt.

• Shaft Tamer Janker:

The man who went on to make it unbelievably brutal and whose aggressive nature was mentioned several times. “He was also one of the first to want to remove everything.” He risks a prison sentence of 60 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and the suspension of rights for a period of five years.

• Show off:

“Would be the man who rejected the professor on an excuse,” says the prosecutor. “What speaks for him is that he was the initiator of a joint letter to the parents. We notice little sense of guilt.” Risks a prison sentence of 24 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years.

• Rafiki:

Risks a prison sentence of 24 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years.

• Baggage:

Risks a prison sentence of 30 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years.

• Heretic:

“The man who advised sending Sanda to the hospital.” Risks a prison sentence of 24 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years.

• Vice Master Protput:

Risks a prison sentence of 24 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years.

• Chat Major:

Risks a prison sentence of 30 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years.

• Randi:

“Took a photo of Sanda lying lifeless in the grass, not liking the baptism itself at all.” Risks a prison sentence of 24 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years.

• Remork:

Risks a prison sentence of 24 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years.

• Wally:

Risks a prison sentence of 24 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years.

• Igéan:

One of the initiators of the joint letter and, according to the prosecutor, also with a minimum sense of guilt. Risks a prison sentence of 18 months, a fine of 4,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years.

• Paterberg:

Risks a prison sentence of 24 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years.

• Placebo:

“Is seen as a fighter who comes out aggressive when drunk.” Risks a prison sentence of 30 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years.

• Rest day:

“The man who made sure cannabis was present at the christening. He has been able to tell from previous years that things had gone wrong and that one day this would come to an end.” Risks a prison sentence of 24 months, a fine of 8,000 euros and disqualification from rights for a period of five years.

Heaviest penalties

The shaft tamer (60 months in prison) and praeses (50 months in prison) therefore risk the most severe sentences. “Awareness of guilt is crucial for us,” he emphasizes once again. Igean faces the most lenient sentence (18 months in prison).

“These are not prototypes of criminals,” says the prosecutor. “We also take into account the special group dynamics. We know that the punishment is irrelevant to the next of kin, but we understand that they want the defendants to remember these events as well. We hope that things like this can no longer happen in the future, but it is very tragic that a boy first had to die in the prime of his life.”

The lawyers of the Reuzegom defendants are already questioning the requalification: “Hitting is not the same as administering fish oil” (+)

Janker, Strontvlieg, Protput and co are in court: this is the role played by the 18 Giant Gums during the fatal student baptism of Sanda Dia (+)
