Olympic champion Nischat Rachimov has to give up his gold medal

Russian walker Yelena Lashmanova was fined for her doping offense on Monday. A day later it hits a Kazakh weightlifter. The ban is long.

Nishat Rachimov has had his Olympic weightlifting gold medal revoked in Rio for doping. This was decided by the Cas International Sports Court on Tuesday. The Kazakh will also be banned for eight years until January 2029.

Rachimov is accused of having exchanged his urine four times since March 2016. From this point onwards, all results will be revoked. He still has the opportunity to appeal to the Cas Court of Appeal.

Rachimov had already received a doping ban in 2013 when he was still competing for his home country Azerbaijan. The 28-year-old won Olympic gold in the 77-kilo class in Rio de Janeiro in 2016 with a world record. At that time, competitors had already raised allegations against him.

In the Rachimov case, the allegations of having used foreign urine were not specifically linked to a competition by the International Control Agency (IAT). The use of foreign urine in weightlifting has long been pursued by the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada). The McLaren report on the machinations in weightlifting was triggered in January 2020 by the ARD documentary “Secret matter doping – the lord of the lifters”. The ITA was commissioned by the World Weightlifting Federation (IMF) to investigate doping controls.
