OLYMPIA: 37 more corona cases in Beijing

BEIJING (dpa-AFX) – Less than a week before the start of the Winter Olympics in Beijing, the organizers found 37 more corona cases. As the organizing committee announced on Monday, 28 people entering the country tested positive for the corona virus on Sunday, including eight athletes or team members. Infections were also registered in nine people who are already in the closed Olympic system. The day before there had been a total of 34 positive tests, and the total number of corona cases has risen to 176 since January 23.

A strict corona security concept applies to the Olympic Winter Games in Beijing. Everyone involved – from athletes to journalists – is completely segregated from the rest of the Chinese population. In order to detect infections as quickly as possible, every participant must complete a daily PCR test within the Olympic bubble.

Anyone infected with the virus will be isolated in a specially designated hotel. Only after two negative PCR tests at least 24 hours apart can those affected leave before the end of ten days. After this period, only a negative PCR test is required.

The People’s Republic of China is pursuing a strict “zero Covid” strategy, in which even minor strands of infection are being combated with tough measures. In the past few weeks, the authorities have imposed lockdowns in several cities in the country./fk/DP/zb


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