Olmedo Dentistry – PNT | News

Aesthetic dentistry, also known as cosmetic dentistry, is dedicated to improving the appearance of a patient’s mouth, teeth, and gums. Unlike other fields of dentistry that focus primarily on dental health and functionality, cosmetic dentistry focuses on dental and facial aesthetics. Their goal is to create beautiful, harmonious smiles that increase patients’ confidence and quality of life.

Common Procedures in Aesthetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry offers a variety of procedures to improve the appearance of your smile:

  1. Teeth whitening: This procedure is used to eliminate stains and discolorations on teeth, returning them to their natural whiteness.
  2. Dental Veneers: Veneers are thin sheets of porcelain or composite resin that are bonded to the front of the teeth. They are used to correct aesthetic defects such as discolored, misaligned, uneven or fractured teeth, providing an instant improvement in the appearance of the smile.
  3. Gum Re-contouring: Sometimes the shape and length of the gums can affect the aesthetics of the smile. Gum recontouring is a procedure in which gum tissue is removed or adjusted to achieve a more balanced and aesthetic appearance.
  4. Oral Rehabilitation: Oral rehabilitation involves a combination of procedures to restore the health and aesthetics of the mouth. This may include rebuilding damaged teeth, fitting dentures, and other personalized treatments.

Cosmetic dentistry is tailored to each patient’s individual needs and desires, ensuring personalized results that meet the patient’s expectations.

Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

One of the most notable benefits of cosmetic dentistry is its ability to significantly improve a person’s confidence and self-esteem. An attractive, healthy smile can make social and professional interactions more pleasant and successful. Additionally, it encourages healthier dental care habits, which in turn contributes to long-term oral health.

Cosmetic dentistry procedures are designed to provide long-lasting, natural-looking results. Often, they not only improve the appearance of teeth, but also correct functional problems.

In short, cosmetic dentistry offers a range of personalized procedures that not only beautify the smile, but also have a positive impact on confidence, personal relationships, and long-term oral health.

Our team of highly trained and friendly cosmetic dentists are ready to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Whether you are interested in teeth whitening, veneers, gum recontouring or any other cosmetic procedure.

At Olmedo Odontología, we are committed to providing you with personalized care for your individual needs and desires.

Od.Olmedo Julieta


Address:Bv.San Juan67–PB“D”–Córdoba, Argentina





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