Olmedo Dentistry | News

Doctor, why are some people more prone to developing cavities and suffering from tooth loss?

In reality, there is no predisposition to developing cavities or losing teeth. Cavities form when bacteria feed on food debris in our mouths. However, if we brush our teeth after each meal, we can prevent the formation of cavities. This can be daunting for those who have already lost teeth, but can still implement good habits to preserve their remaining teeth and pass that knowledge on to new generations.

What exactly is dental caries?

Dental caries is the most common disease worldwide. It is caused by bacteria that form colonies when they find food remains on which they feed. If the remains of food are not removed within twelve hours, the caries begins to demineralize the tooth enamel. The crown of a tooth is made up of three layers: enamel, dentin, and pulp. Enamel is the visible outer layer of the tooth and is the hardest tissue in the human body. The dentin is softer and contains dentinal tubules through which nerve fibers pass. When caries reaches the dentin, we can feel discomfort, although it does not amount to intense pain. The innermost layer is the pulp, which is a cavity that houses the nerves and blood vessels. When caries reaches the pulp, pain becomes inevitable.

What should I do if I experience dental pain?

Many people choose to take medication. While they will alleviate the symptoms, they will not cure the disease, which can lead to tooth loss. It is important that you go to the dentist as soon as possible.

How can I avoid tooth decay?

The key is in prevention. Prevention involves anticipating and taking action before a problem occurs. I recommend visiting a dentist every six months or, at most, every year. During these consultations, a dental cleaning will be carried out to eliminate the remains of bacterial plaque that cannot be removed with a toothbrush. You can also ask the professional to check for early signs of cavities.

Which is the treatment?

The treatment will depend on the depth of the caries. If you have only reached the enamel or dentin, the treatment is simple: using rotary instruments, we will eliminate the entire colony of bacteria and then restore the lost tissue with fillings. In our clinic, we use high-quality materials from the 3M brand. If the caries has reached the pulp, the recommended treatment is endodontics, which consists of extracting the vascularization and innervation of the pulp, disinfecting it, eliminating bacteria and filling the cavity with gutta-percha. This is known as a root canal. Subsequently, the lost tissue can be restored with an inlay or by placing a pin and crown.

Od. Olmedo Julieta


Address: Bv.San Juan67–PB “D”–Córdoba, Argentina





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