Olli Schulz on public pressure on Fynn Kliemann: “I really don’t wish that on anyone”

Olli Schulz publicly commented on the scandal for the first time in a story on his Instagram channel Finn Kliemann voiced. Weeks earlier, Schulz’s podcast colleague Jan Böhmermann had a possible fraud Kliemanns in the sale of respiratory masks. Schulz has worked in the past with both Böhmermann and Kliemann and is friends with them.

“I’ve seen both of them cry in their kitchen before”

On Instagram, the singer-songwriter, actor and moderator asked his followers about a parallel between Böhmermann and Kliemann. After that, Schulz indirectly pointed out the vulnerable side of the two media personalities “Do you actually know what Jan Böhmermann and Fynn Kliemann have in common? I’ve seen both of them cry in your kitchen before,” he wrote. In this context, Schulz warned “what weeks of public pressure do to people”. It’s bad, “and I really don’t wish that on anyone”.

Schulz is doing the podcast “Fest & Flauschig” (“F&F” for short) together with Böhmermann – but he will not use this platform to pour more oil on the fire: “Anyone who is looking for a gladiator fight between Jan and me at F&F will have to be disappointed, because there won’t be anything like that,” Schulz wrote.

Schulz calls for more sensitivity – and compares the Kliemann case with that of Kasia Lenhardt

Finally, the 48-year-old called for more consideration. In the past he had repeatedly worried about his fellow human beings “because the ground was pulled out from under their feet”. “We don’t treat each other very sensitively,” says Schulz. Therehe also mentioned the name of Kasia Lenhardt. The model was found lifeless in her Berlin apartment on February 9, 2021. A week earlier, Lenhardt announced her separation from professional soccer player Jerôme Boateng, which was extensively and critically reported in the media. After her death, a discussion about cyberbullying and media responsibility began.

Mask purchase deception and NFT scam?

After Jan Böhmermann uncovered Fynn Kliemann’s dubious mask business in “ZDF Magazin Royale”, the career of the 34-year-old musician, YouTuber, media designer and businessman got into trouble. A video published on Sunday (June 19) in which Fynn Kliemann presents himself in a hysterical voice as the victim of an intrigue and the “woken left scene” should not have helped him. And also that, according to ARD research that has now been published, he at least grossly botched – if not cheated – at the auction of digital works of art should cause additional trouble. Kliemann is said to have violated his own auction conditions at an NFT auction. Now he is threatened with claims for damages.

+++ This article first appeared on rollingstone.de +++
