Olli Rehn revealed his great sadness to TV viewers

Love for Merjaa returned the joy of life to Olli’s life.

Olli Rehn (center) told about his sister’s tragic death. Matti Matikainen

Olli Rehnin The song of my life was Juice Leskinen’s Juankoski here I come, performed by Jore Marjaranta.

There is a sad – but also happy – story behind the song.

– My sister Sliver died in a car crash at the age of 21. It was a very big shock for the family, Rehn recalls.

Rehn says that his life was overshadowed by sadness for a long time after the accident.

“The sadness subsided”

Then Olli met his wife Merja in the early 1980s. They fell in love and started a family.

– The sadness gave way, the joy of life took over the industry, Rehn recalls.

The song refers to Merja, who comes from Juankoski in Pohjois Savo. And just like Juice, Merja also moved from Juankoski to Tampere.

– It plays every time we go to the land of happiness in Savo, to the summer cottage in Mikkeli, Rehn says.

The Savo reference made the other presidential candidates doubt the song as Rehn’s choice.

“Song about friendship”

Choosing Juice was also a tribute to the legend of Manse rock, after all we are at the Nokia Arena in Tampere.

– A song about friendship and the joy of life, about one’s own roots and that love wins, Rehn explained the song.

Reference To the unknown soldier did not open to other competitors. It was about the scream, which is boiled down in Juice and Coitus Inti’s song as well Väinö Linnan in the book too.

Five presidential candidates faced off in the fall final episode of Yle TV1’s Elämäni song on Saturday.

Iltalehti asked the artists of the Elämäni biisi program, what is their life song? Jenni Gästgivar
