Olli Juolevi moves to the Detroit Red Wings

The Florida Panthers will switch to the Detroit Red Wings.

Olli Juolevi played ten games in Florida. AOP

Olli Juolevi moves to the Detroit Red Wings. Autokaupunki picked up a Finnish defender from the transfer list.

Juolevi, who moved to the Panther Flock for this season, was on the transfer list when the club made room for the Olympic winner. To Petteri Lindbohm.

Juolevi, 23, is still looking for a place in the NHL. The Fifth Reservation of the 2016 Booking Event was played in Vancouver before moving to Florida for this season. In the Panthers, he only got ten matches with binocular power on his belt. There were 23 games in Vancouver.

He is the only Finnish player on the team in the great club of Reconstruction in Detroit, which is in the reconstruction phase.
